Margaret Green has been finding forever homes since 1965 and exist to take in pets that become homeless due to a change in circumstance. This can include pets that have been mistreated, neglected or abandoned. Regardless of their circumstance, each pet will find a warm bed, a kind team and all the love and respect they deserve awaiting them at Margaret Green Animal Rescue. They pride their-selves on the standard of care each rescue pet receives. As well as veterinary care, pets are prepared and rehabilitated ready for a new home. Most of their animals are vaccinated, microchipped, treated against worms and fleas and neutered before going to their new forever home.
Since the charity was founded in 1965 by Margaret Green, the Animal Rescue Charity has provided decades of care for rescued animals. Their first and original rescue site was setup at Church Knowle, followed by Lincoln Farm near Bere Regis (exclusively for dogs). These were shortly followed by this site (The Wingletang Centre) just outside Tavistock, Devon that cares for cats and dogs.